I'm writing a part of my app that store settings in XML file, but I don't want to 'client' duplicate, I want this:
<client name="something">
<port name="someport" />
<port name="someport_2" />
But instead I get:
<client name="something">
<port name="someport" />
<client name="something">
<port name="someport_2" />
thought "just check if node already exists" but that's the problem, so I've this piece of code:
// xjack is the root node
pugi::xml_node xclient = xjack.child(sclient.c_str());
if (!xclient) {
xclient = xjack.append_child("client");
but !xclient
always evaluate to true, tried also if (xclient.empty())
but not work also.
thinking about the comments zeuxcg I could figure out what was wrong.
pugi::xml_node xclient = xjack.child(sclient.c_str());
is looking up for a child with name "something" that really doesn't exists, what I'm looking for is a tag with name "client" and attribute "name" with value of "something".
So, the correct is:
pugi::xml_node xclient = xjack.find_child_by_attribute("client", "name", sclient.c_str());
if (!xclient) {
xclient = xjack.append_child("client");