Hi everyone, I'm a complete noob with git and I have some questions on setting up an environment.
I have an ubuntu linux server on which i have setup the following sites as vhosts:
www.mydomain : production environment
stage.mydomain : staging environment for client approval tests
dev.mydomain : development environment for testing new code
i also have MAMP setup locally as a local dev environment.
What I would like to be able to do is to use the www.mydomain as a repo, then clone to stage, from stage to dev and then from dev to local. I have done this sucessfully already.
When I am happy with my work on local, i add/commit files, then push back to the dev for server specific testing.
Now I have managed to do a remote push back to the dev.mydomain without errors, but when I check the files, I find these haven't been updated to include my adds/commits.
Can some one help out? Am I misunderstanding how this works, if so how can I apply the changes to the dev.mydomain filesystem for testing?
Any help would be much appreciated!!!
Now I have managed to do a remote push back to the dev.mydomain
without errors, but when I check the files, I find these haven't been updated to include my adds/commits.
Pushing to an upstream remote repo means:
git push
error: refusing to update checked out branch".So I would recommend: