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ID column as a link to detailed view

I am trying to make my first column, which is the ID column clickable to go to a detailed view. I had it working with normal tables as:

{% for tickets in tickets %}
<td><a href="{{tickets.get_absolute_url}}">{{}}</a> </td>
{% endfor %}

What I have now using django-tables2 is this:

class TicketsTable(tables.Table):
    class Meta:
        model = Tickets
        fields = ("id", "subject", "desc", )
        id = tables.LinkColumn('tickets.get_absolute_url',

Pretty sure this is way off. I am using a slug field named 'slug' for the different links. I am still pretty new to this so I am unsure how to proceed.


  • The code that worked was:
    import django_tables2 as tables
    from ticker.apps.ticket.models import Tickets
    from django_tables2.utils import A
    class TicketsTable(tables.Table):
    id = tables.LinkColumn('ticket_detail', args={A("slug")})
    subject =tables.Column()