How to create multi language main menu in html/php script now i have
<a href="{url p='poceni-letalske-karte.html'}">
<span>{t t="Letalske Karte"}</span>
<option value='EN'>English</option>
which it go to
i want when user select English language EN code it also change main menu text how to do that ?
This is website Letalske karte
I found this script
But i don't know how to set to /EN/ as now in this script is set to index.php?lang=en
My Approach would be to do the following:
Step 1: Setup a folder tree structure like this:
keep making new folders with all the other languages you want to support
Step 2: Create our language files, i will start with languages/en/lang.en.php
$lang['label'] = 'Value for this label';
$lang['firstname'] = 'First Name';
$lang['lastname'] = 'Last Name';
$lang['phone'] = 'Phone';
// ETC
you would repeat this for every other language, ill do fr for example languages/fr/
. NOTE how the labels stay the same in english
$lang['label'] = 'Valeur pour ce label';
$lang['firstname'] = 'Prénom';
$lang['lastname'] = 'Nom de famille';
$lang['phone'] = 'Téléphone';
// ETC
Step 3: Check if the user has requested a language change, via a url variable
// Start a Session, You might start this somewhere else already.
// What languages do we support
$available_langs = array('en','fr','de');
// Set our default language session
$_SESSION['lang'] = 'en';
if(isset($_GET['lang']) && $_GET['lang'] != ''){
// check if the language is one we support
if(in_array($_GET['lang'], $available_langs))
$_SESSION['lang'] = $_GET['lang']; // Set session
// Include active language
Step 4: you can access your language parts like so and it would change based on what language file is loaded.
echo $lang['firstname'];
hope this helps get you started as an idea