On my first-gen Macbook Pro, with OS X 10.6.1, I can launch gnuplot and get a plot, after I set the terminal to x11, with a command like
plot [-6:6] sin(x).
But when I launch octave, and try a plot command, like
plot([2 3],[4 5]) or plot([-6:0.01:6],cos([-6:0.01:6]))
I get no error messages and no plot. Just another octave prompt. I installed from octave-3.2.3-i386.dmg. What gives?
Any suggestions appreciated.
If gnuplot works after setting the terminal to x11 (set term x11
), then you could try the same in octave:
octave-3.2.3:1> setenv GNUTERM 'x11'
I believe that the default terminal of gnuplot on OS X is aquaterm, so it is probably the default terminal when octave is plotting with gnuplot as well.