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Custom UIFont baseline shifted

I'm having a problem with custom UIFonts. I load 6 of them (font A in regular/bold/regularItalic/boldItalic, font B in condensed/condensedSlanted variants).

However, here is what it gives when rendered: enter image description here

The two first rows are OK, but the last one exhibits a baseline problem.

I've tried changing the UPM, ascender, descender, x-height of the font in FontLab so that it matches the first font's values (which render correctly), but to no avail. I've tried converting the font format from OTF to TTF, no luck. Whatever I try, it always renders this way.

Does anyone have experience with this?


  • Here or even here you can find the solutions for you. It's all about baseline.

    Note There's a problem with installing Apple Fonts Utility on El Capitan. See for a workaround.

    To edit these in the font you will need to download the Apple Font Tool Suite. Once you’ve installed this you need to open Terminal and navigate to the directory that contains your font. After that enter the following command:

    1. ftxdumperfuser -t hhea -A d font.ttf This will create a file called font.hhea.xml, open this new file into a text editor and adjust the values for ascender and descender. Generally if you font sits too low you want to decrease ascender and increase descender. After editing and saving enter the following command into terminal to reconstruct your Font file:

    2. ftxdumperfuser -t hhea -A f font.ttf You can now use the font.ttf file in your application. If the font still isn’t right just repeat the above procedure until you are happy.

    OR you can easily change NSBaselineAttributeName as follows:

    NSAttributedString *attrStr = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"a string"
                                  attributes:@{ NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName : @-13 }];