I am working on detecting the Ball on Table Football. A screenshot of the game is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tsvxqlb358sshob/Screen%20Shot%202013-06-28%20at%2014.24.53.png
I am trying to use the following code:
hsv_min = cv.Scalar (0,0,100)
hsv_max = cv.Scalar (60,4.3,100)
cv.InRangeS (hsvframe, hsv_min, hsv_max, threshpic)
I am confused with the color range for the Ball on HSV color space. Can any one tell me what can be the color range in HSV scaler ?
In the C API, it's H: 0-360, S: 0-1, V: 0-1. Try using these limits.