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Node.js How to delete first line in file

I'm making simple Node.js app and I need to delete first line in file. Please is any way how to do it? I think that It will be possible with fs.write, but how?


  • Here is streamed version of removing first line from file.
    As it uses streams, means you don't need to load whole file in memory, so it is way more efficient and fast, as well can work on very large files without filling memory on your hardware.

    var Transform = require('stream').Transform;
    var util = require('util');
    // Transform sctreamer to remove first line
    function RemoveFirstLine(args) {
        if (! (this instanceof RemoveFirstLine)) {
            return new RemoveFirstLine(args);
        }, args);
        this._buff = '';
        this._removed = false;
    util.inherits(RemoveFirstLine, Transform);
    RemoveFirstLine.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, done) {
        if (this._removed) { // if already removed
            this.push(chunk); // just push through buffer
        } else {
            // collect string into buffer
            this._buff += chunk.toString();
            // check if string has newline symbol
            if (this._buff.indexOf('\n') !== -1) {
                // push to stream skipping first line
                this.push(this._buff.slice(this._buff.indexOf('\n') + 2));
                // clear string buffer
                this._buff = null;
                // mark as removed
                this._removed = true;

    And use it like so:

    var fs = require('fs');
    var input = fs.createReadStream('test.txt'); // read file
    var output = fs.createWriteStream('test_.txt'); // write file
    input // take input
    .pipe(RemoveFirstLine()) // pipe through line remover
    .pipe(output); // save to file

    Another way, which is not recommended.
    If your files are not large, and you don't mind loading them into memory, load file, remove line, save file, but it is slower and wont work well on large files.

    var fs = require('fs');
    var filePath = './test.txt'; // path to file
    fs.readFile(filePath, function(err, data) { // read file to memory
        if (!err) {
            data = data.toString(); // stringify buffer
            var position = data.toString().indexOf('\n'); // find position of new line element
            if (position != -1) { // if new line element found
                data = data.substr(position + 1); // subtract string based on first line length
                fs.writeFile(filePath, data, function(err) { // write file
                    if (err) { // if error, report
                        console.log (err);
            } else {
                console.log('no lines found');
        } else {