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Reading Date and Time system preference settings using applescript

I want to read the various Date and Time related values the user sets through system preference.The Clock tab of Date & Time settings various settings.enter image description here

Now i wan to read weather the user changed Time Options, want to detect if its enabled or not? and also want to get notification whenever user changes these settings?


  • Just to emphasise my point in my comments. This is how you can read the clocks preferences via objective-c;

     CFStringRef appID;
    CFPropertyListRef newCP;
    appID = CFSTR("");
    CFStringRef Key = CFSTR("IsAnalog");
     newCP  = CFPreferencesCopyAppValue (
     NSLog(@" newCP %@", newCP);

    or in Applescript:

    set theClock to quoted form of (do shell script "read  IsAnalog ")

    But without knowing more this maybe a pointless answer.