I have a User class (@PC) currently having only one property: 'email', now I want the user-table (where User class is stored) to have additional columns, which are not managed by JDO but are subject of authentication happening outside of PM. When I auto-create the table by Datanucleus and then ALTER the table adding my columns everything works as expected.
Of course I would be happy to use SchemaTool for generation/update of the schema, yet dont want to have manual ALTER table procedure on that user table. Naively I've tried to put the two extra columns into ORM file (omitting targets):
<package name="bo">
<class name="User" table="tb_user">
<column name="USER_SECURITY" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" length="64"/>
<column name="SEC_SALT" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" length="10"/>
but SchemaTool did not generate the extra columns, altough ORM file was loaded according to logs.
BTW: no way I want to have those columns mapped and managed during JDO lifecycle.
so, is it possible to get Schematool to generate extra columns on tables or do I have to sort them out into another table not managed by Datanucleus?
JDO spec defines such as that as seen in this link, and I have no problem with our tests using such unmapped columns in SchemaTool http://www.datanucleus.org/products/accessplatform_3_3/jdo/orm/schema_mapping.html#unmapped