We are in the process of updating from the SSRS package in SQL 2005 to SQL 2012. SSRS seems to work fine, even with the original report model, but none of the reports we create have clickthrough functionality. Even if the entities are linked in the report model, the table simply doesn't have any clickthrough links. The older reports carried over from the SQL 2005 SSRS do still have the functionality however.
We are using the enterprise version of SQL, which claims to have the feature. Is there a manner in which I need to turn it on?
Clickthrough doesn't only matter on the underlying reporting server's capability which supplies the data, but also if the report designer application (in our case Report Builder 3.0) support it too.
@djangojazz is using SSDS (successor of BIDS) in his solution, and it also requires cubes. I think @ChargerIIC wanted to use Report Builder. It seems that Report Builder 3.0 is not a successor of Report Builder 1.0 in all respects. Particularly this clickthrough feature may be a difference.
See Report Builder 3.0 FAQ: http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/F/D/7FDAA75C-1273-4DFE-8EC6-D9699C3EE47F/SQL_Server_2008_R2_Report_Builder_3_0FAQs.docx
See the question: "What are the key differences between Report Builder 1.0 and Report Builder 3.0?". The last row in the answer table is crossed out, but it says that 1.0 support infinite click through, while 3.0 is manual.
"Q. Is this a replacement for Report Builder 1.0? A. Not for this release. It does replace Report Builder 2.0 but there is still some additional functionality from Report Builder 1.0 that did not make it into this release that has been prioritized for a future release."