Ok, so I am using Blackberry 10 Cascades (QT, QML, C++), and I am trying to process photos that get taken by the camera. I have been looking into how to do this on the internet, and figured out some things, but it's not working yet. Here's what I have done (I have made a point to highlight the most relevant parts of the code with //---------------RELEVANT LINE(S) OF CODE--------------------------------- to begin and //------------------------------------------------------------------------ to end the relevant sections.
#ifndef CAMERA_H_
#define CAMERA_H_
#include <QObject>
#include <Page.h>
namespace bb {
namespace cascades {
class Container;
namespace multimedia {
class Camera;
namespace GDLiteBB {
class Camera : public QObject, public Page_ {
//-----------------RELEVANT LINE OF CODE---------------------
bb::cascades::multimedia::Camera *cameraDevice_;
static Camera *Camera_;
QString *qmlFileName = new QString(""),
QString *qmlVarName = new QString(""),
QObject *parent = 0);
static Camera *getInstance(
QString *qmlFileName = new QString("main.qml"),
QString *qmlVarName = new QString("camera"),
QObject *parent = 0);
virtual ~Camera();
Camera *show(bb::cascades::Container *container = 0);
void showCamera();
//-----------------RELEVANT LINES OF CODE---------------------
public slots:
void onPhotoSaved(const QString &fileName, quint64 length);
} /* namespace GDLiteBB */
#endif /* CAMERA_H_ */
QString *qmlFileName,
QString *qmlVarName,
QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent),
Page_(qmlFileName, qmlVarName)
if (Root_) {
//-----------------RELEVANT LINES OF CODE---------------------
cameraDevice_ =
Root_->findChild<bb::cascades::multimedia::Camera *>("camera1");
connect(cameraDevice_, SIGNAL(photoSaved(const QString&, quint64)), this,
SLOT(onPhotoSaved(const QString&, quint64)));
} else {
cameraDevice_ = 0;
//-----------------RELEVANT LINES OF CODE---------------------
void Camera::onPhotoSaved(
const QString &fileName,
quint64 length)
SIGNAL(photoSaved(const QString&, quint64)),
SLOT(onPhotoSaved(const QString&, quint64)));
qDebug() << "onPhotoSaved";
qDebug() << "filename is " << fileName << ", length is " << length << "test";
But when I take a picture, the onPhotoSaved slot is not being triggered, for the qDebug is not happening.
I know that the photo is being saved tho, because in the qml, I have:
Label {
id: cameraDebug
Camera {
onPhotoSaved: {
photoBeingTaken = false;
cameraDebug.text = "saved photo"
and the label, cameraDebug, changes to "saved photo", after taking a photo., so I am catching the QML signal for saved photo, but I need to catch the C++ signal for saved photo, because I need the filename of the photo, and that is not working, as I said above.
I figured out the problem. The line:
cameraDevice_ = Root_->findChild<bb::cascades::multimedia::Camera *>("camera1");
was assinging null, because there was no actual "objectName: camera1" in the qml code, there was only "id: camera1", therefore, there was no way to connect cameraDevice_ to the onPhotoSaved slot, since it was null.
It was a silly bug, but I hope this question and answer might benefit others who are looking to figure out how to process a saved photo in blackberry cascades, or just handle signals and slots in general in QT, or how ever else it might help them.