So I am having trouble writing my data to a .csv file using the import csv
package. My data is stored in the following general format:
[(Time, [[ID#, MAG, Merr], [ID#, MAG, Merr]])]
An example of my data set is shown below:
data = [(24.23, [[1.0, 18.116, 0.062], [2.0, 18.236, 0.063], [3.0, 17.855, 0.063]]),
(25.67, [[1.0, 17.968, 0.044], [2.0, 18.189, 0.051], [3.0, 17.757, 0.048]]),
(26.89, [[1.0, 17.634, 0.025], [2.0, 17.781, 0.029], [3.0, 17.454, 0.026]])]
I wanted to write this data into a .csv file that would look like this:
24.23, 1.0, 18.116, 0.062, 2.0, 18.236, 0.063, 3.0, 17.855, 0.063
25.67, 1.0, 17.968, 0.044, 2.0, 18.189, 0.051, 3.0, 17.757, 0.048
28.89, 1.0, 17.634, 0.025, 2.0, 17.781, 0.029, 3.0, 17.454, 0.026
I tried the following:
import csv
with open('myfile.csv', 'w') as f:
w = csv.writer(f, dialect = 'excel-tab')
But I got tons of brackets in the results. I was wondering if there was a better way to approach this?
You should flatten the the list first before writing it to csv
with open('myfile.csv', 'w') as f:
w = csv.writer(f, dialect='excel-tab') # use `delimiter=','` for ',' in file
for item in data:
lst = [item[0]] + [y for x in item[1] for y in x]