I learning using flask-peewee. As in tutorial there, i apply this script (app.py):
import datetime
from flask import Flask
from flask_peewee.auth import Auth
from flask_peewee.db import Database
from peewee import *
from flask_peewee.admin import Admin
# configure our database
'name': 'exampleappusi.db',
'engine': 'peewee.SqliteDatabase',
DEBUG = True
SECRET_KEY = 'ssshhhh'
app = Flask(__name__)
# instantiate the db wrapper
db = Database(app)
class Note(db.Model):
message = TextField()
created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
# create an Auth object for use with our flask app and database wrapper
auth = Auth(app, db)
admin = Admin(app, auth)
if __name__ == '__main__':
And until this part:
We now have a functioning admin site! Of course, we’ll need a user log in with, so open up an interactive python shell in the directory alongside the app and run the following:
As an in the tutorial, we do in python shell (I understand that we do this following to adding user and pass as manual way):
>> from auth import User
>> admin = User(username='admin', admin=True, active=True)
>> admin.set_password('admin')
>> admin.save()
The problem is i get error when execute ">> from auth import User", which mean No module named auth. Sure, in this case we need auth.py , but what the auth.py should be ?
Your module is named app
so you should import auth
>> from app import auth
>> User = auth.User
>> admin = User(username='admin', admin=True, active=True)
>> admin.set_password('admin')
>> admin.save()