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How To Export/Import Large Database On MAMP

How do I export/import large database on MAMP ? Using PHPMyAdmin does not work as it supposed to be.


  • It should be done via terminal as below.

    • In the terminal navigate to bin folder of MAMP using below command cd /Applications/MAMP/library/bin
    • Use this command to export the file ./mysqldump -u [USERNAME] -p [DATA_BASENAME] > [PATH_TO_FILE]. EG would be ./mysqldump -u root -p my_database_name > /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/folder_name/exported_db.sql
    • Line should appear saying Enter password:. Here enter the MySQL password. keep in mind that the letters will not appear, but they are there.

    If you need to import use BigDump Which is a MySQL Dump Importer.