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I'm getting the "missing a using directive or assembly reference" and no clue what's going wrong

I'm trying to allow a user to enter data into a textbox that will be added to the web.config file. I've added the relevent lines to the web.config file but when I make this class all goes wrong.

I keep getting the are you missing a using directive or assembly refenrence error whenever I try to run my app. I have looked at the other times this question has been asked and can't seem to figure out where I'm going wrong. The thing is that I am extremely new to Visual Studio and am just left blank at what could be the answer.

Below here is the class file that's generating the error. I hope I've included everything you need to assist me. Thank you.

 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Configuration; 

namespace WebConfigDemo
public class CompanyConfigSection : ConfigurationSection   
    [ConfigurationProperty("", IsRequired = true, IsDefaultCollection = true)]   
    public CompanyConfigCollection Companies       
        return (CompanyConfigCollection)this[""];           
            this[""] = value;            
public class CompanyConfigElement : ConfigurationElement   
                [ConfigurationProperty("id", IsKey = true, IsRequired = true)]        
    public int Id        
                        return (int)this["id"];            
                        this["id"] = value;          
    [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsRequired = true)]        
    public string Name        
                    return this["name"].ToString();            
            this["name"] = value;           

} ' 
public class CompanyConfigCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection    
    protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()     
    return new CompanyConfigElement();       
    protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)     
        return ((CompanyConfigElement)element).Id;        
public class CompaniesConfig   
            private static readonly Dictionary<int, CompanyConfigElement> 
    static CompaniesConfig()       
                Elements = new Dictionary<int, CompanyConfigElement>();       
                var section = (CompanyConfigSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection          ("companies");           
                foreach (CompanyConfigElement system in section.Companies)        
                    Elements.Add(system.Id, system);       
    public static CompanyConfigElement GetCompany(int companyId)       
                        return Elements[companyId];   
            public static List<CompanyConfigElement> Companies        
                    return Elements.Values.ToList(); 
}  '

Any help is appreciated


  • You probably don't have the System.Configuration dll added to the project references. It is not there by default, and you have to add it manually.

    Right-click on the References and search for System.Configuration in the .net assemblies.

    Check to see if it is in your references...

    enter image description here

    Right-click and select Add Reference...

    enter image description here

    Find System.Configuration in the list of .Net Assemblies, select it, and click Ok...

    enter image description here

    The assembly should now appear in your references...

    enter image description here