I am working on asp.net website in which i am getting data by using jquery ajax. here is my code.
function PostSubChapter(qbt_id) {
var v1 = 'qbt_id:' + qbt_id;
type: "POST",
url: '<%= ResolveUrl("~/QuestionBankSubChapters.aspx/GetChapters") %>',
data: '{' + v1 + '}',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (result) {
if (result.status === "OK") {
alert('Comment posted');
else {
fnDisplaySubChapter(result, qbt_id);
error: function (req, status, error) {
alert("Sorry! Post failed due to error");
and my web method is
public static List<BO.QuestionBankSubChapters> GetChapters(int qbt_id)
BAL.QuestionBankSubChapters oQBTSC = new BAL.QuestionBankSubChapters();
List<BO.QuestionBankSubChapters> lstQBTSC = oQBTSC.getQuestionBankSubChapters(qbt_id);
return lstQBTSC;
These is working very fine in chrome an IE but not showing any result in case of FireFox call is going properly to web method but at the time of getting result from it is calling Error function.It has to call another function present in sucess function but not calling that function.
Pls help me these.
for your understanding here i am mentioning the link of the website Link is : "http://skillgun.com/Home.aspx"
Open these in Fire fox and chrome both then Click on Arithmetic then it will display 2nd screen. Just see the o/p in both the browser you'll understand. In chrome its working properly but in Firefox its not.I am not getting understand what is the reason behind these.Sample code already i mentioned above.
I am using jquery-1.8.3.min.js for getting the result.The callback function is working fine in chrome and IE but not working in FF Please help me....
Your page method returns correct response, problem is with your other code that you've not posted but I could see in FF console.
You've used innerText at many places and FF doesn't support it. Try innerHTML instead.
For waitprocess div you're not using # along with it's id while using Jquery Selector $ and hence it is visible all the time.