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Add Poppler to Path in Debian

I have just installed poppler on my debian server using the command:

sudo apt-get install poppler-utils

However, when I execute the command:

pdftocairo --help

The function cannot be found, so I assume this program has not automatically linked into my PATH variable. My issue is that I am not very experienced with Linux and I don't know how to find out where poppler installed, nor how to create a link file to Poppler from an existing included PATH location.

Any help would be appreciated, especially if someone can explain how I know where these programs are installing themselves.


  • You should not need to do anything with the PATH - it's the maintainer's task to make everything work "as expected".

    Your problem could have several reasons:

    • your version of poppler-utils does not come with the pdftocairo binary
    • your version of poppler-utils installs pdftocairo into a path that is not in your PATH
    • you (or somebody else) have messed with the PATH, so it doesn't contain the directory where poppler-utils installed the binaries to any more.

    So first check whether poppler-utils installs the file (and where to). The following will give you a list of all files installed by the package:

    $ dpkg -L poppler-utils

    As you can see, on my system - which has poppler-utils 0.18.4-6 installed - the package installed a pdftocairo into /usr/bin which is the default path for all applications, and which should already be in your PATH.

    To check your PATH variable do something like

    $ echo $PATH

    As you can see, my PATH contains /usr/bin, and indeed i can do:

    $ pdftocairo --help
    pdftocairo version 0.18.4
    Copyright 2005-2011 The Poppler Developers -
    Copyright 1996-2004 Glyph & Cog, LLC

    If your PATH does not contain /usr/bin, then something is seriously wrong with your system (for instance, you have tried changing your path and accidentally removed all the previous settings).

    In any case, adding a new path to PATH is quite simple; all paths are separated by colons, so you should do something like the following:

    $ export PATH=/path/to/my/bin:${PATH}

    This will add /path/to/my/bin/ at the beginning of the search-path, so all binaries will now be searched first in /path/to/my/bin/ and then /usr/local/bin and so forth.