I have android app, which has a lot of string resources localized for different languages (~200 strings for 10 languages). Some of them displayed on limited area. To make them fit correctly I have different text sizes for different resolutions (ldpi, hdpi, etc). But now I have a problem, that some text on different languages have different length and do not fit that area. Is there a way how can I fit all text properly, to avoid too small text on one language and to big on another? Thanks.
I m not aware of any other way other than having different Text size for difference languages.
You can use the dimens.xml resource file for this purpose. In your case you'll probably want to create a file called res/values-es/dimens.xml, and possibly also a -fr version. You can specifify the default values in res/values/dimens.xml (or res/values-en/dimens.xml, if you want to be more specific).