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How to reload the html(contact us) form after submitting a html/php form in a iframe

I have a contact form in my html page .where in a iframe src with a html contactus form .once the contact us form is submitted to a thanks.php form . the out put will be the html thanks message from thanks.php file is displaying . now my requirement is after showing this thanks message for 5 seconds ,I need to reload the contactus html form again.

Please kindly help me on this


  • This can be accomplished with JavaScript. Set a timer for 5 seconds and set the window location to your Contact Us page. Here's how you'd do this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Set timeout to 5 seconds, measured in milliseconds
        setTimeout(function () {
            window.location = "contactus.html"; // relative URL
        }, 5000);