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Smalltalk / Seaside - A more elegant way to use radio buttons?

So I want to do something like:

html unorderedList: [
group := html radioGroup.
self employeeNames do: [ :eachEmp | 
                    html listItem: [
                                group radioButton
                                   selected: <set tmpVar = empKey>
                                   callback: [ self <dependent on button pushed> ].            
                         html text: eachEmp ] ] ]   ]

What I would like this to do is generate a list of employees, with radio buttons on each line. Then, depending on the radio button that's selected and which button is pushed, we do some action.

So a visual representation of what I want is something like:

|Post Timecard| --- |Timesheet History| --- |Print Paycheck| --- |Delete|

  • Employee 1 ..... data .... data .... data
  • Employee 2 ..... data .... data .... data
  • Employee 3 ..... data .... data .... data
  • Employee 4 ..... data .... data .... data
  • Employee 5 ..... data .... data .... data

So they could for example, select Employee 3 and then push |Delete| - this would trigger a delete for Employee 3.

I think I can handle what to do for the selected: portion of my code, but I've no clue how to handle the callback? Is there a way to dynamically choose what to call?


  • Since you are using a radio group anyway you'll only be able to select a single entry from the list of employees. Now, if you use a form element to wrap the controls, your action anchors could simply trigger a submit of the form:

    formName := 'employee-form'.
    html form
        name: formName;
        with: [
            html unorderedList: [
                group := html radioGroup.
                self employeeNames do: [ :eachEmp | 
                html listItem: [
                    group radioButton
                        selected: nil "<set tmpVar = empKey>";
                        callback: [ :value | self "<dependent on button pushed>" ];  
                        with: eachEmp ] ] ] ].
    html anchor
        submitFormNamed: formName;
        callback: [ :value | self handleDelete ]
        with: 'delete'

    The callback of the anchor will be evaluated after all of the callbacks of the form elements.

    Side note: notice the use of with: to set the anchor and radio button texts. You should almost always use with: as the last message to html.