I am hosting django-1.5 app on openshift. I need django-registration module which I have specified in requirements.txt file.
The problem is that openshift is not able to find latest version django-registration-1.0 but only django-registration-0.8 which is not compatible with django-1.5 Any idea how to resolve this or how to add manual link to latest version in requirements.txt?
I'm not getting why its not able to find package while it is available at PyPI.
remote: Searching for django-registration==1.0
remote: Reading http://mirror1.ops.rhcloud.com/mirror/python/web/simple/django-registration/
remote: Reading http://www.bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-registration/wiki/
remote: Reading <some other link>
remote: Reading <some other link>
remote: Reading <Some Other link>
remote: No local packages or download links found for django-registration==1.0
remote: Best match: None
I made it work using setuptools specifying dependency link, though why PyPI package is not working is still not clear to me.
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
dependency_links = [