I need to scan through html fragments looking for certain strings in text (not within element attributes) and wrapping those matching strings with a <span></span>
. Here's a sample attempt with output:
use v5.10;
use Mojo::DOM;
my $body = qq|
<p>Boring Text:</p>
Highlight Cool whenever we see it.
but not <a href="/Cool.html">here</a>.
sub Cool {
print "Foo\n";
And here is more Cool.
my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new($body);
foreach my $e ($dom->find('*')->each) {
my $text = $e->text;
say "e text is: $text ";
if ($text =~ /Cool/) {
(my $newtext = $text ) =~ s/Cool/<span class="fun">Cool<\/span>/g;
say $dom->root;
the output:
e text is:
e text is: Boring Text:
e text is: Highlight Cool whenever we see it. but not. And here is more Cool.
e text is: here
e text is: sub Cool { print "Foo "; }
<p>Boring Text:</p>
<p>Highlight <span class="fun">Cool</span> whenever we see it. but not. And here is more <span class="fun">Cool</span>.</p>
Close but what I really want to see is something like the following:
<p>Boring Text:</p>
<p>Highlight <span class="fun">Cool</span> whenever we see it. but not <a href="/Cool.html">here</a>.
sub <span class="fun">Cool<span> {
print "Foo\n";
And here is more <span class="fun">Cool</span>.</p>
Any help / pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Todd
Having looked into XML::Twig
I'm not so sure it's the correct tool. It's surprising how awkward such a simple task can be.
This is a working program that uses HTML::TreeBuilder
. Unfortunately it doesn't produce formatted output so I've added some whitespace myself.
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
my $html = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content(<<__HTML__);
<p>Boring Text:</p>
Highlight Cool whenever we see it.
but not <a href="/Cool.html">here</a>.
sub Cool {
print "Foo\n";
And here is more Cool.
for my $text_node ($html->look_down(_tag => '~text')) {
my $text = $text_node->attr('text');
if (my @replacement = process_text($text)) {
my $old_node = $text_node->replace_with(@replacement);
print $html->guts->as_XML;
sub process_text {
my @nodes = split /\bCool\b/, shift;
return unless @nodes > 1;
my $span = HTML::Element->new('span', class => 'fun');
for (my $i = 1; $i < @nodes; $i += 2) {
splice @nodes, $i, 0, $span->clone;
<p>Boring Text:</p>
Highlight <span class="fun">Cool</span> whenever we see it.
but not <a href="/Cool.html">here</a>.
<code> sub <span class="fun">Cool</span> { print "Foo "; } </code>
And here is more <span class="fun">Cool</span>.