I know you can use checkbox template to control its look-and-feel but how would I hide the checkbox for the root node (and only the root node)?
The answer below does the trick as well. However, I ended up using a template like this:
checkboxes: {
checkChildren: true,
template: "# if(item.Id != 1){# <input type='checkbox' name='section[#= item.Id #]' value='true' />#} #"
"Id" is the id field in my dataSource.
This might do the trick but it is dirty, it's much nicer defining a template:
checkboxes: true,
dataBound : function () {
$("#treeview > ul > li > div span.k-checkbox").hide();
See it running here: http://jsfiddle.net/OnaBai/b3UBh/1/