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Can't create table with "." "," "/" "-" in the table name

Quick questin for OLEDB and creating a new table. In one part of the program I have a code that creates new table in database and the name of table is what user inserts into textbox. For regular words it all works ok, but when I try to add ".", ",","-" or "/" the program breaks down and it can't create the table.

Is there any way to enable creating tables with "-" or "/" in the table name? That possibility is pretty important

connection string

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C_\\.....\\robnoknjigovodstvo1.mdb";

Table is beeing created after a button click

OleDbCommand cmd4 = new OleDbCommand();
            cmd4.Connection = konekcija;
            cmd4.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE " + opis + "(ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), nazivMaterijala VARCHAR(50), jedMjera VARCHAR(50), kolicina FLOAT)";


  • Try to enclose the table name in square brakets

      cmd4.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE [" + opis + "] (ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), ...."";

    However keep in mind that Microsoft discourages the use of special characters in table names.
    I think that it is better for you and for your code to prepare a method that searches these special characters and replace them with something more easy to handle in future query. (Like an underscore)

    string ReplaceSpecialChars(string inputName)
        char[] verbotten = new char[] { ' ','\'', '"','\'','@','`','#','%','>','<','!','.','[',']','*','$',';',':','?','^','{','}','+','-','=','~','\\' };
        int pos = -1;
        while((pos = inputName.IndexOfAny(verbotten)) != -1)
            inputName = inputName.Substring(0, pos) + '_' + inputName.Substring(pos+1);
        return inputName;