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Listbox Selection: DataRowView to Type Sting is not Valid

I'm working on populating a listbox with a datatable that is being filled from a database. Here is the relevant code.

Private Sub frmMainMenu_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        'Load data we need from the database
        Dim commandCraneType As New OleDbCommand("SELECT Name FROM CraneType WHERE Girders = 'Single Girder'", gConnection)
        Dim adapterCraneType As New OleDbDataAdapter(commandCraneType)
        Dim dTableCraneType As New DataTable()
        'Fill datatables and controls
        lboCraneType.DataSource = dTableCraneType
        lboCraneType.DisplayMember = "Name"
End Sub

Private Sub lboCraneType_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lboCraneType.SelectedIndexChanged
        'Set the gCraneType global variable!
        gCraneType = lboCraneType.SelectedItem
End Sub

The listbox properly populates with the text values in the Name field from the database. However when I select that item in the listbox, the debug tells me that gCraneType has been assigned System...DataRowView, and I get an exception saying I cannot cast that type to a String. I do not understand why the Names are showing up properly in the listbox but the selections are a data type.

Thanks for any help you offer :)


  • Change:

    Private Sub lboCraneType_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lboCraneType.SelectedIndexChanged
            'Set the gCraneType global variable!
            gCraneType = lboCraneType.SelectedItem
    End Sub


    Private Sub lboCraneType_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lboCraneType.SelectedIndexChanged
            'Set the gCraneType global variable!
            Dim drv As DataRowView = lboCraneType.SelectedItem
            gCraneType = drv("Name").ToString
    End Sub

    Thank you for your help in the commnets.