I've read similar posts on this and they don't answer my question.
Similar post I found is : how to pass parameters to tortoiseproc.exe via file?
but the problem is unresolved and stuck on creation of file with UTF-16 encoding without BOM.
I'm trying to automate commits for my project using tortoisesvn command
TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit /pathfile:"D:\p3.tmp" /logmsg:"test log message" /deletepathfile
where "D:\p3.tmp" file contains list of files that must be commited.
This file shuld be with UTF-16 encoding without BOM.
C# Code that I use to create a file:
string line = @"D:\SourceCode\ProductProvider.cs";
using (var s = File.Create("D:\\p3.tmp"))
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(s, new UTF32Encoding()))
You'll want to use a non default constructor of the UnicodeEncoding class to create an UTF16 encoding without a BOM;
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(s, new UnicodeEncoding(false, false)))
The first false
sets little endian encoding, you can set it to true for big endian. The second false
disables the BOM.