Is their a solution to generate an email template using an ASP.NET MVC View without having to jump through hoops.
Let me elaborate jumping through hoops.
var fakeContext = new HttpContext(HttpContext.Current.Request, fakeResponse);
var oldContext = HttpContext.Current;
HttpContext.Current = fakeContext;
var html = new HtmlHelper(new ViewContext(fakeControllerContext,
new FakeView(), viewDataDictionary, new TempDataDictionary()),
new ViewPage());
html.RenderPartial(viewName, viewData, viewDataDictionary);
HttpContext.Current = oldContext;
The above code is using the current HttpContext to fake a new Context and render the page with RenderPartial, we shouldn't have to do this.
Another very detailed solution using ControllerContext and .Render: (IEmailTemplateService, Headers/Postback WorkAround) but pretty much doing the same thing with a lot more code.
I on the other hand, am looking for something that would just render a View without having to POST/GET and generates me a simple string that I can send off through my Email code. Something that doesn't run into errors such as posting headers twice or faking some piece of data.
//code which does not fire Render, RenderPartial... etc
var email = emailFramework.Create(viewData, view);
See my solution bellow or follow this link:
My Solution using spark: (12/30/2009) ASP.NET MVC Email Template Solution
This is what I wanted the ASP.NET MVC ViewEngine to do, but it's in Spark, just follow the latest link right bellow,
Update (12/30/2009) Cleaner Version: ASP.NET MVC Email Template Solution
(11/16/2009) Or, Louis DeJardin Console Application Version:
using System;
using Spark;
using Spark.FileSystem;
public class User
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public abstract class EmailView : AbstractSparkView
public User user { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// following are one-time steps
// create engine
var settings = new SparkSettings()
var templates = new InMemoryViewFolder();
var engine = new SparkViewEngine(settings)
ViewFolder = templates
// add templates
templates.Add("sample.spark", @"Dear ${user.Name}, This is an email.Sincerely, Spark View Engine${user.Id}");
// following are per-render steps
// render template
var descriptor = new SparkViewDescriptor()
var view = (EmailView)engine.CreateInstance(descriptor);
view.user = new User { Id = 655321, Name = "Alex" };
I decided to use this method because it seems to be the one that does everything right, it:
Please, make sure to read these posts. All credit to Louis DeJardin see his tutorials :): Using Spark as a general purpose template engine!, Email Templates Revisited