the server is windows.
what I'm trying to do is create a batch that will run a program that outputs to a temp file which then I will read. I am able to create this batch and as far as I know everything works until I get back to using cffile to read the 'changed' file... in which case it seems like nothing as changed. However, if I were to actually open the file via windows or ftp explorer I can see it has been changed.
please see example code below:
<cfset path = "D:/tests/" />
<cfset tempfile_ = GetTempFile(path, "test_")>
<cfset tempfile_batch = getTempFile(path, "testBatch_")>
<cffile action="rename"
destination="#replaceNocase(tempfile_batch, '.tmp', '.bat')#"
source="#tempfile_batch#" />
<cfset tempfile_batch = replaceNocase(tempfile_batch, '.tmp', '.bat') />
<cfset batchContents = '' />
<cfsavecontent variable="batchContents">
@echo off
echo "this is a test" > "#tempfile_#"
output='init text' />
output='#batchContents#' />
<cfexecute name="#tempfile_batch#" />
<cffile action="read" file="#tempfile_#" variable="foo">
fileName: #tempfile_# <br />
result is...
when I actually open up the temp file the contents are "this is a test" while #foo# is "init text"
any idea why?
By default, cfexecute
fires off the process, but does not wait for it to finish. So you may be trying to read the file before it is updated. Add a timeout
to your cfexecute
call and it should fix the problem.
timeout - Length of time, in seconds, that ColdFusion waits for output from the spawned program.
- 0 (default): equivalent to nonblocking mode.
- A very high value: equivalent to blocking mode.