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Can you please help me embed my form script into my FancyBox?

Good Morning,

I am having trouble figuring out how to embed my form script into my FancyBox.

I am new to this, so apologize in advance. I've looked everywhere but can't seem to find the correct answer.

I have a very simple test page created just so I can use it to figure out how this all works.

Basically, I need to replace the image that pops up with my form.

Here is my form script that I need to embed:

<script charset="utf-8" src="//"></script>



    portalId: '206683',

    formId: 'ecaa931c-1fc4-4b96-8aea-b040169f449d'



And here is my test page:

Thank you in advance. You time and guidance is greatly appreciated.


  • Answering to get the formatting

    Main page:

    <table width="1264px" height="100" border="0" bgcolor="#0A3D32">
        <td><img src="" width="334" height="94" /></td>
          <a class="iframe" href="#form"><img src="" width="127" height="36" /></a>
    <div id="form" style="display:none">
      <iframe height="500" src="form.html"></iframe>


    <script charset="utf-8" src=""></script>
        portalId: '206683',
        formId: 'ecaa931c-1fc4-4b96-8aea-b040169f449d'