How to create another root account with other name on a Linux system(in my case Ubuntu 13.04). If i create a ordinary user account and set its UID to 0 in /etc/passwd then it will conflict with root(also has uid 0).so i gave him gid=0(group of root). but didn't worked. please provid any effective solution.i've also added this user in sudoers file.
Each Unix system should have one, and one only, root user. Unix systems are built on that rule.
If you want to promote a user for any reason, the user should use the sudo command.
$ sudo <command> <options>
Or allow temporary super-user by loging in as the root (use with extreme caution)
$ su
One should manually edit the sudo configuration to specify which user can do what:
$ sudo visudo
Then you can add users one by one or add a group of users.
Another way, would be to add users one by one to the sudo group.
$ sudo adduser <username> sudo
You said you updated the sudoers list. Then your user should be able to run sudo. If not, your configuration might be wrong.
Remember to always log out and in after you modify the current user's sudoers' privileges. Or you will not see any difference.
Regards, Arthur