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Perl - partial pattern matching in a sequence of letters

I am trying to find a pattern using perl. But I am only interested with the beginning and the end of the pattern. To be more specific I have a sequence of letters and I would like to see if the following pattern exists. There are 23 characters. And I'm only interested in the beginning and the end of the sequence.

For example I would like to extract anything that starts with ab and ends with zt. There is always So it can be


So that it detects this match but not


So far I tried

if ($line =~ /ab[*]zt/) {
    print "found pattern ";



  • * is a quantifier and meta character. Inside a character class bracket [ .. ] it just means a literal asterisk. You are probably thinking of .* which is a wildcard followed by the quantifier.

    Matching entire string, e.g. "abaazt".


    Note the anchors ^ and $, and the wildcard character . followed by the zero or more * quantifier.

    Match substrings inside another string, e.g. "a b abaazt c d"


    Using word boundary \b to denote beginning and end instead of anchors. You can also be more specific:


    Using a double negation to assert that no non-whitespace characters follow or precede the target text.

    It is also possible to use the substr function

    if (substr($string, 0, 2) eq "ab" and substr($string, -2) eq "zt") 

    You mention that the string is 23 characters, and if that is a fixed length, you can get even more specific, for example


    Which matches exactly 19 wildcards. The syntax for the {} quantifier is {min, max}, and any value left blank means infinite, i.e. {1,} is the same as + and {0,} is the same as *, meaning one/zero or more matches (respectively).