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Improve quality of Wand conversion

I convert files of different formats (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PDF) to JPEG using Wand, a ctypes-based ImageMagick binding for Python. The resulting files are very low-quality. If there is text in original file, it becomes almost unreadable in the resulting file.

Before Wand i used Imagemagick console commands, and with the option -density i could achieve great quality. For example: convert -density 200 file.pdf file.jpg.

What is the most idiomatic way to improve image quality of the resulting image file in Wand? Or, at least, how do i set the density option in Wand?


  • This would help you. Pass resolution option to the constructor of Image e.g.:

    with Image(filename='file.pdf', resolution=200) as image:
        image.compression_quality = 99'file.jpg')