This is purely for convenience.
New tables are added to the bottom of the list of tables when using Adminer ( - how can I make these tables appear at the top of the list?
These tables are my own and not part of the CMS I use, therefore I use them a lot and need to look at them a lot. With 170 tables this is annoying having to scroll through them all to get to mine.
How can I make Adminer or MySQL reorder these tables?
If you use Adminer install AdminerTablesFilter
It might be even handier than a fixed order.
Switch to some other tool which supports sorting filtering. (I use SequelPro a lot)
Learn to use mysql CLI. You have to type a lot when you work with SQL anyway. CLI supports auto-complete.
Request a feature from the author of Adminer
Add this feature to Adminer yourself through a plug-in or introduce order by
clauses to selects from information_schema to sources.