I need a new user but it should be granted all those privileges that the other existing user/role has.
If a new User B is created, I need the same privileges as,
Dont ask why :/
Actually User A has custom privileges on different tables, schemas, and functions; so its very tedious and lengthy process to manually grant permissions to the new user. Any help would be good.
I had to write the pgpsql code to loop through the privileges of User A and grant it to User B. It was done without any problem.
create or replace function update_user_privileges() returns text as
info record;
str text;
/*Grant privileges to user B the same as with user A for a given table schema*/
FOR info IN
select * from information_schema.table_privileges where table_schema='public' and grantee = 'A'
/*append the tables' name, for which we are assigning privileges from user A to B*/
str:= str ||info.table_name || ',';
/*this is the main statement to grant any privilege*/
execute 'GRANT '|| info.privilege_type ||' on table public.'|| info.table_name || ' to B';
return str;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
Usage: Copy/paste this code to crate this function and then do
select update_user_privileges();
**You have to adapt it for your table-schema and table-names. Hope it helps anyone