I'm trying to use the results from CustomerAccountData API; getInvestmentPositions, with the API call to getAccountTransactions.
Based on the API alone, getInvestmentPositions seems to have enough information such as SecurityInfo but that part never seems to return with the results. Am I missing an additional call or parameter that I can get the Security Info? Is there anything I can do to get the getInvestmentPosition service to return more information?
You can call 'updateInstitutionLogin' API with refresh flag set to true(PFB ref link). This will trigger an explicit refresh request to the FI. If this call gets successful then please verify if you are getting all the info by calling 'getInvestmentPositions' API.
Update Institution Login
URL: https:// financialdatafeed.platform.intuit.com/v1/logins/<loginId>?refresh=true
Method: PUT
<InstitutionLogin xmlns="http://schema.intuit.com/platform/fdatafeed/institutionlogin/v1">
Please let us know if it works.
If you still don't get the SecurityInfo in the response of getInvestmentPositions call then please raise a support ticket with the following details.
SAML Identity provider id which you got while setting up AggCat integration
The root problem is a bug that is being fixed in the July release.
UPDATE Issue fix date(most probably) - July'13 29th
UPDATE(6thAug) - This issue is fixed now. Please check and confirm the same from your end.