I have a textbox that I would like to prevent the user from entering any letters in. They need to be able to enter numbers.
The textbox has an onkeypressed event already set, and I'm adding logic so that if the user enters a letter, nothing is shown.
Regardless of what I do (cancelbubble, stop propogation, return false), the letter is still getting entered in the text box. I've watched the debugger go over these and still the letter is being entered, its like it is taking place after the fact of the event.
The event handler hook you are looking for is onkeydown
yourInput.onkeydown = function(e){
var char = String.fromCharCode(e.which); // get the char
return /[0-9]/.test(char); //assert it's a number
Returning false from an event handler attached directly (rather than attachEvent) cancels the event.