As an exercise that put myself into, I wanted to design a calculator in Delphi. So, far the sum, subs tract, multiply and divided are pretty much working.
The only function that I have a problem with its with Square Root.
Variables are extended, and I pretty much just convert from String (I'm using two EditBox) to Float
Form1: TForm1;
a, b, r: Extended;
procedure TForm1.SqrtClick(Sender: TObject);
a := StrToFloat(Edit1.Text);
r := Sqrt(a);
Delphi its returning me
[Error] calc.dpr(72): Missing operator or semicolon.
The problem isn't really visible in your snippet above. But since I got psychic powers, I can still tell what is going on here.
You have a button called sqrt
on your form. Hence, when you write sqrt
in code, it refers to the button, not to the RTL function.
Solution: Write System.Sqrt
instead of Sqrt
, the button), or rename the button.