Using ColdFusion, I am trying to POST JSON to an API. Here is the code I have so far -
<cfhttp url="#url#" method="post" result="httpResp" timeout="60">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/json" />
<cfhttpparam type="body" value="#serializeJSON(jsonStr)#">
An example of the JSON is here -
"username" : "#username#",
"password" : "#password#",
"customerEmail" : "#customer_email_address#",
"firstName" : "#customer_firstname#",
"lastName" : "#customer_surname#",
"telephoneNumber" : "#customer_mobile_number#",
"guestNumber" : #url.guests#,
"unitNumber" : #url.location#,
"eventDate" : "#LSDateFormat(url.when,'dd/mm/yyyy')#"
When I pass this JSON to the API URL with POSTMAN client in Chrome, everything is good! however when I process this in CF, I simply get a bad request error from the API. I realise that message is no use that is simple whats being set in the API.
If I remove the content-type from POSTMAN client in Chrome, I get the same message. So I am "assuming" That the content-type is not being sent or over written somehow in CF.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Issue was with the API not accepting what I thought it required.