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Explanation of IplImage* img

I just started learning OpenCV with "Learning OpenCV Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library".

In the first example which demonstrates how to display a picture, it has a line

IplImage* img = cvLoadImage("name.type")

Although the book explains it, I still do not fully know what exactly IplImage* img does.

Does cvLoadImage loads the image to img which IplImage is pointing to? Can anyone explain this to me please? Thank you


    • img is the name of the variable, might as well be blahblahblah;

    • IplImage is the type of the variable, it's just a struct that contains the image data itself plus some info (size, color depth, etc.) on the image;

      typedef struct _IplImage {
      int                  nSize;
      int                  ID;
      int                  nChannels;
      int                  alphaChannel;
      int                  depth;
      char                 colorModel[4];
      char                 channelSeq[4];
      int                  dataOrder;
      int                  origin;
      int                  align;
      int                  width;
      int                  height;
      struct _IplROI*      roi;
      struct _IplImage*    maskROI;
      void*                imageId;
      struct _IplTileInfo* tileInfo;
      int                  imageSize;
      char*                imageData;
      int                  widthStep;
      int                  BorderMode[4];
      int                  BorderConst[4];
      char*                imageDataOrigin;
      } IplImage;

    For more info on IplImage: Other question about IplImage

    • cvLoadImage provides a pointer to an IplImage, which means it creates an IplImage when it loads it and returns you it's emplacement.

    Do not forget to do cvReleaseImage(&img) when you are finished with it, if you do not want to have memory leaks.