I am trying to get the value at selected indicies in a ListBox
using ASP.net C#
MakeListBox.SelectionMode = ListSelectionMode.Multiple;
int [] indicies= MakeListBox.GetSelectedIndices();
I am going to dynamically building a select statement for a database query to an SQLDataSource. What I had hoped to be able to do was get all the selected indexes go through a loop to for the array that it returns and add each value at the specified index to a string.
I have looked through this and this but can't find what is needed to do what I have talked about.
Basically I am looking for the opposite of the IndexOf command. Or a technique that would have the same results.
It's not clearly obvious when looking at the ListBox
control properties, but this is the best way to do it:
foreach(ListItem li in MakeListBox.Items)
// Append to your string list