I have fixed my issue with reading the XML files. What I am needing now is to trim the datetime down to just MM dd yyyy hh:mm:ss and not bring the rest of it over when I insert into my Informix database.
This is the XML info:
<RecordFilingRequestMessage xmlns:nc="http://niem.gov/niem/niem-core/2.0">
<ecf:EntityPerson s:id="REVIEWER">
<nc:PersonName />
...and here is my C# code:
string DocID = null;
int elementCount = 0;
string reqID = null;
string reqDateTime = null;
string empName = null;
string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\XML\3212842.xml");
foreach (string fileName in fileEntries)
XmlReader xr = XmlReader.Create(fileName); //reads XML from folder
while (xr.Read())
if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && xr.Name == "nc:DateTime")
reqDateTime = xr.ReadElementContentAsString();
if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && xr.Name == "nc:IdentificationID")
DocID = xr.ReadElementContentAsString();
if (elementCount == 1)
reqID = DocID;
if (elementCount == 3)
empName = DocID;
listBox1.Items.Add(reqID + " / " + reqDateTime + " / " + empName);
elementCount = 0;
My first thought is, that the last '/' doesn't belong to the 'SelectNodes' call.
Alternatively, this code will solve your problem:
foreach(XmlNode node in xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("RecordFilingRequest")[0].GetElementsByTagName("nc:DocumentIdentification"))
int ID = Convert.ToInt32(node.FirstChild().InnerText);
Edit: This does assume, that 'RecordFilingRequest' always exists. Add a try .. catch statement, if that isn't the case.