I would like to subscribe for the MediaPlayer buffering event in the android vlc app.
I edited the EventHandler class and uncommented the event constant.
public static final int MediaPlayerBuffering = 0x103; // ** uncommented this**
public static final int MediaPlayerPlaying = 0x104;
I then added the the variable in libvlcjni.c
libvlc_event_manager_t *ev = libvlc_media_player_event_manager(mp);
static const libvlc_event_type_t mp_events[] = {
libvlc_MediaPlayerBuffering // **added this here**
recompiled the jni to get the so file and then built the vlc app but the event never seems to fire off.
Where else do I have to link to get the event fired when there is a buffering event due to lack of bandwidth.
I can see in logcat that it prints 1001 ms buffered in 6ms. But that is coming from the lower layer and not the java layer
had to add this in the libvlcjni.c file
else if(ev->type == libvlc_MediaPlayeBuffering) {
/* For determining the vout/ES track change */
jstring sData = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "data");
(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, bundle, putFloat, sData, ev->u.media_player_buffer.new_cache);
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, sData);
hope this helps someone