I was looking for a way to load and start OSGi Bundles on the fly during runtime into my system. However after finding Felix File Install, I thought this is problably the most elegant and easy working way. Thing is: It's not working. ;-) I downloaded the Felix File Install Jar and deployd it as an OSGi Bundle into my software. It also starts with all my OSGi Bundles in Eclipse without any problems. However, I don't know where I should set the properties file (Tried to put them in the arguments box at eclipse's project properties. no success though). Furthermore my Bundle isn't reacting when something in the directory is changing. Even when creating the default directory and manipulating its content, nothing happens. No Bundles get loaded. Somehow I have the feeling I have overseen something huge here, since it seems to work for most people just perfect with not that mch effort?
Would be really glad for your help.
NOTE: There is no Apache Felix installed. Only the felix file install jar. The OSGi is running on equinox...
They are system properties not program arguments for equinox. Use it like this :
As per their documentation the default value for this is ./load
NOTE: In eclipse add the above in the VM arguments