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Projecting into KeyValuePair via EF / Linq

I'm trying to load a list of KeyValuePairs from an EF / Linq query like this:

return (from o in context.myTable 
select new KeyValuePair<int, string>(o.columnA, o.columnB)).ToList();

My problem is that this results in the error

"Only parameterless constructors and initializers are supported in LINQ to Entities."

Is there an easy way around this? I know I could create a custom class for this instead of using KeyValuePair but that does seem like re-inventing the wheel.


  • Select only columnA and columnB from your table, and move further processing in memory:

    return context.myTable
                  .Select(o => new { o.columnA, o.columnB }) // only two fields
                  .AsEnumerable() // to clients memory
                  .Select(o => new KeyValuePair<int, string>(o.columnA, o.columnB))

    Consider also to create dictionary which contains KeyValuePairs:

    return context.myTable.ToDictionary(o => o.columnA, o => o.columnB).ToList();