I have a problem of passing a full datetime value from VB6 to sybase using ADO. It seems the milliseconds are left out.
Here's example code for the stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_ReturnDatetimeInput (
@Input datetime,
@Output datetime output
--Show input value
print '@Input = ' + convert(varchar(20), @Input, 14)
set @Output = @Input
vb6 code
Private Function TestDatetimeOutputValue(dInput as Date) As Date
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
With cmd
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Input", adDBTimeStamp, , 8, dInput)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Output", adDBTimeStamp, adParamOutput, 8, dInput)
If Not IsEmpty(.Parameters("@Output").Value) Then
TestDatetimeOutputValue = .Parameters("@Output").Value
End If
End With
End Function
An adDBTimeStamp
field is not a VB Date type. By blithely assigning its value to a Date variable you have converted it, truncating it to fit.
See How To Get Fractions of a Second from ADO adDBTimeStamp Field. archive
You can choose how to carry such values to work with them in VB6. One option might be a UDT with a Date field and a Long or Integer to hold the milliseconds. Another might be to calculate something you store in a Decimal or Currency type variable, where you scale the Date value up to a whole part and add in the ms. as a fractional part for example.