So in my company we are slowly moving to Rails instead of PHP(Code Igniter to be precise). So, our actual PHP App is using a Mysql DB and I'd like to connect a new Rails app to this DB but meanwhile our PHP is still running, so I can't change the DB.
I don't really know where I should start to use all the rails features (Or at least as much as possible).
There shouldn't be any harm in connecting your rails app to an existing database. You will need to watch for anything that goes against rails conventions (table names are plurals of models, for example) and either change the database (and your php app) or program around the problem in rails.
But the first step is simply to connect to the database and make models for the existing tables and see what works and what doesn't.
After that, post here with any specific problems.
As a suggestion, take a backup of your database and start out programming against that to build your application and be sure everything works safely.