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How to write a SQL query implementing Excel SUMIFS function

I have a table like this:

Date        Sales   Department Store
02/01/2012   4.09    Toys       A
03/01/2012   5.90    Toys       A
02/01/2012   6.64    Toys       B
03/01/2012   4.71    Toys       B
02/01/2012   16.72   Toys       C
03/01/2012   1.37    Toys       C
02/01/2012   13.22   Movies     A
03/01/2012   18.06   Movies     A
02/01/2012   5.97    Movies     B
03/01/2012   16.71   Movies     B
02/01/2012   15.38   Movies     C
03/01/2012   19.75   Movies     C

And want a table like this, where only Store A and B are considered:

Date        Toys    Movies
02/01/2012   10.73   19.19 
03/01/2012   10.61   34.77 

Here the SUMIFS function we would use in EXCEL:


What can we write in SQL?

Take into consideration this is a short exaple, the database table has over 30 Departments and more many Dates. I was using the script

ISNULL(MAX(CASE WHEN Department = 'Toys'  AND Store = 'A' THEN Sales END),0) +
ISNULL(MAX(CASE WHEN Department = 'Toys'  AND Store = 'B' THEN Sales END),0) [Toys],
ISNULL(MAX(CASE WHEN Department = 'Movies'  AND Store = 'A' THEN Sales END),0) +
ISNULL(MAX(CASE WHEN Department = 'Movies'  AND Store = 'B' THEN Sales END),0) [Movies]
FROM Table$

... but it is not efficient. Thanks for any tips.


  • Your query is ok, but it can be improved a bit:

    SELEC Date,
          MAX(CASE WHEN Department = 'Toys' THEN Sales else 0 END) as [Toys],
          MAX(CASE WHEN Department = 'Movies' THEN Sales else 0 END) as [Movies]
    FROM Table$
    WHERE store in ('A', 'B')
    GROUP BY Date
    ORDER BY Date;

    This removes the distinct, which is unnecessary with a group by. It moves the condition on store to the where clause, because it applies to all the rows. And, it removes the ISNULL() by including else 0 in the case statement -- so stores with no sales in the department will return a 0 instead of NULL.