So. I'm in a loop
<% products.each do |product|%>
btn_hide = "btn-hide-class"
<%= button_to "expired",
method: "get",
class: "btn btn-expired-supply #{btn_hide}",
remote: true
<% end %>
Also, in my CSS file I have
I don't want to do it
I want to do something like this, using a boolean condition for display this button:
<% products.each do |product|%>
<%= button_to "expired",
method: "get",
**display: true**
class: "btn btn-expired-supply",
remote: true
<% end %>
Do you know any solution for this?
Lets your products table has a boolean field named as 'expired' and its been mentioned in your Product model as attr_accessible.
<% products.each do |product|%>
<%= button_to "expired",
method: "get",
class: product.expired ? "btn-hide-class" : "btn your-class-for-this-button",
remote: true
<% end %>
Hope, it will work for you :)