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Convert pixels to grid for CCTMXTiledMap

I am trying to convert the pixel co-ordinates of my character sprite to grid co-ordinates so that I can check whether the user is touching a certain tile on the map.

Here is my code:

CGPoint mappos = [tileMapNode convertToNodeSpace:position];
mappos.x = (int) mappos.x / tileWidth;
mappos.y = (int) mappos.y / tileWidth;

CCTMXLayer *metaLayer = [tileMapNode layerNamed:@"Meta"];
CCSprite *metaTile = [metaLayer tileAt:ccp(mappos.x, mappos.y)];

if (metaTile)

For some reason the character position just doesn't line up properly with the grid co-ordinates. Why is that?


  • I used this and worked in all case.

    #define IS_IPAD (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
    #define TILE_SIZE       ( IS_IPAD ? 64 : 32 )
    #define TILE_IN_ROW     ( IS_IPAD ? 19 : 19 )
    #define TILE_IN_COL     ( IS_IPAD ? 32 : 30 )
    #define PP_TILE_META_LAYER      @"Meta"
    #define PP_TILE_MAP_BG_LAYER    @"Background"
    - (CGPoint)getTileCoordForPosition:(CGPoint)position
        int maxTileCol = self.mapSize.height; 
        int x = ( (position.x-self.position.x)/TILE_SIZE);
        int y = maxTileCol - ( ((position.y)-self.position.y)/TILE_SIZE);
        if( x >= TILE_IN_ROW)
            x = TILE_IN_ROW - 1;
        if( y >= TILE_IN_COL)
            y = TILE_IN_COL - 1;
        return ccp(x, y);
        mBgLayer = [self layerNamed:PP_TILE_MAP_BG_LAYER];
        CGPoint point = [self getTileCoordForPosition:position];
        CCSprite *sprite = [mBgLayer tileAt:point];